Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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Text File
306 lines
// //
// GFX1.CPP - VGA Trainer Program secondary module containing graphics //
// functions. Note: This module does not follow a lot of good //
// programming practices. It was built to be used with the //
// VGA tutorial series. If you are planning on using this //
// module with a different source file, some modifications may //
// be necessary. //
// //
// Author : Grant Smith (Denthor) - denthor@beastie.cs.und.ac.za //
// Translator : Christopher G. Mann - r3cgm@dax.cc.uakron.edu //
// //
// Last Modified : January 13, 1995 //
// //
// //
// //
#include <dos.h>
// geninterrupt()
#include <math.h>
// abs()
// //
// //
#if !defined(PI)
#define PI 3.1415927
#if !defined(VGA)
#define VGA 0xA000
// //
// //
typedef unsigned char byte;
typedef unsigned int word;
// //
// //
void SetMCGA ();
void SetText ();
void Pal (byte Col, byte R, byte G, byte B);
void GetPal (byte Col, byte &R, byte &G, byte &B);
float rad (float theta);
int sgn (int a);
void Putpixel (word X, word Y, byte Col, word Where);
void Line (int a, int b, int c, int d, int col, word Where);
void Cls (byte Col, word Where);
void Flip (word source, word dest);
//--------------------------MODE SETTING FUNCTIONS-------------------------//
// //
// SetMCGA() - This function gets you into 320x200x256 mode. //
// //
void SetMCGA() {
_AX = 0x0013;
geninterrupt (0x10);
// //
// SetText() - This function gets you into text mode. //
// //
void SetText() {
_AX = 0x0003;
geninterrupt (0x10);
//----------------------------PALLETTE FUNCTIONS---------------------------//
// //
// Pal() - This sets the Red, Green, and Blue values of a certain color. //
// //
void Pal (byte Col, byte R, byte G, byte B) {
asm {
mov dx, 0x3C8 // load DX with 3C8 (write pallette function)
mov al, [Col] // move color to AL
out dx, al // write DX to the VGA (tell VGA that we want to
// work with the color in AL
inc dx // load DX with 3C9 (write RGB colors)
mov al, [R] // move Red to AL
out dx, al // write DX to VGA (tell VGA that we want to use
// the Red value in AL
mov al, [G] // move Green to AL
out dx, al // write DX to VGA
mov al, [B] // move Blue to AL
out dx, al // write DX to VGA
// //
// GetPal() - This reads the values of the Red, Green, and Blue values of //
// a certain color. This function uses pass-by-reference. //
// //
void GetPal (byte Col, byte &R, byte &G, byte &B) {
byte rr,gg,bb;
asm {
mov dx, 0x03C7 // load DX with 3C7 (read pallette function)
mov al, [Col] // move color to AL
out dx, al // write DX to the VGA (tell VGA that we want to
// work with the color in AL
add dx, 2 // load DX with 3C9 (read RGB colors)
in al, dx // read Red to AL
mov [rr],al // copy AL to rr
in al, dx // read Green to AL
mov [gg],al // copy AL to gg
in al, dx // read Blue to AL
mov [bb],al // copy AL to bb
R = rr;
G = gg;
B = bb;
//----------------------------MATH-LIKE FUNCTIONS--------------------------//
// //
// rad() - This calculates the degrees of an angle. //
// //
float rad(float theta) {
return ((theta * PI)/180);
// //
// sgn() - This checks the sign of an integer and returns a 1, -1, or 0. //
// //
int sgn (int a) {
if (a > 0) return +1;
if (a < 0) return -1;
return 0;
//-----------------------------DRAWING FUNCTIONS---------------------------//
// //
// Putpixel() - This puts a pixel on the screen by writing directly to //
// memory. //
// //
void Putpixel (word X, word Y, byte Col, word Where) {
asm {
push ds // save DS
push es // save ES
mov ax, [Where] // move segment of Where to AX
mov es, ax // set ES to segment of Where
mov bx, [X] // set BX to X
mov dx, [Y] // set DX to Y
push bx // save BX (our X value)
mov bx, dx // now BX and DX are equal to Y
mov dh, dl // copy DL to DH (multiply Y by 256)
xor dl, dl // zero out DL
shl bx, 6 // shift BX left 6 places (multiply Y by 64).
add dx, bx // add BX to DX (Y*64 + Y*256 = Y*320)
pop bx // restore BX (X coordinate)
add bx, dx // add BX to DX (Y*320 + X). this gives you
// the offset in memory you want
mov di, bx // move the offset to DI
xor al, al // zero out AL
mov ah, [Col] // move value of Col into AH
mov es:[di], ah // move Col to the offset in memory (DI)
pop es // restore ES
pop ds // restore DS
// //
// Line() - This draws a line from a,b to c,d of color col on screne Where //
// //
void Line(int a, int b, int c, int d, int col, word Where) {
int i,u,s,v,d1x,d1y,d2x,d2y,m,n;
u = c-a; // x2-x1
v = d-b; // y2-y1
d1x = sgn(u); // d1x is the sign of u (x2-x1) (VALUE -1,0,1)
d1y = sgn(v); // d1y is the sign of v (y2-y1) (VALUE -1,0,1)
d2x = sgn(u); // d2x is the sign of u (x2-x1) (VALUE -1,0,1)
d2y = 0;
m = abs(u); // m is the distance between x1 and x2
n = abs(v); // n is the distance between y1 and y2
if (m<=n) { // if the x distance is greater than the y distance
d2x = 0;
d2y = sgn(v); // d2y is the sign of v (x2-x1) (VALUE -1,0,1)
m = abs(v); // m is the distance between y1 and y2
n = abs(u); // n is the distance between x1 and x2
s = m / 2; // s is the m distance (either x or y) divided by 2
for (i=0;i<m+1;i++) { // repeat this loop until it
// is = to m (y or x distance)
Putpixel(a,b,col,Where); // plot a pixel at the original x1, y1
s += n; // add n (dis of x or y) to s (dis of x of y)
if (s >= m) { // if s is >= m (distance between y1 and y2)
s -= m;
a += d1x;
b += d1y;
else {
a += d2x;
b += d2y;
//--------------------------VIDEO MEMORY FUNCTIONS-------------------------//
// //
// Cls() - This clears the screen at location Where to color Col //
// //
void Cls(byte Col, word Where) {
asm {
push es // save ES
mov cx, 32000 // this is our loop counter. we want to clear
// 64000 bytes of memory, so why do we use 32000?
// 1 word = 2 bytes, and we are moving a word at
// a time
mov es, [Where] // move address in Where to ES
xor di, di // zero out DI
mov al, [Col] // move color to AL
mov ah, al // move color to AH (Remember, will be moving
// a WORDS, so we need two copies
rep stosw // copy AX to Where and drecrement CX by 1
// until CX equals 0
pop es // restore ES
// //
// Flip() - This copies the entire screen at "source" to destination. //
// //
void Flip(word source, word dest) {
asm {
push ds // save DS
mov ax, [dest] // copy segment of destination to AX
mov es, ax // set ES to point to destination
mov ax, [source] // copy segment of source to AX
mov ds, ax // set DS to point to source
xor si, si // zero out SI
xor di, di // zero out DI
mov cx, 32000 // set our counter to 32000
rep movsw // move source to destination by words. decrement
// CX by 1 each time until CX is 0
pop ds // restore DS